Primary 4
Welcome to the Primary 4 class page.
Our teachers are Mrs Russell and Miss Donnelly.
We have had a very busy start to Primary 4!
In our first term we will learn all about ourselves in WAU and what makes us different to the other people in our class. We also learn about WW2 and Minibeasts.
During our Numeracy lessons we understand the value of numbers up to 1000, money, fractions, times tables and measures whilst always trying to sharpen our problem-solving skills!
In Literacy, we will be trying to achieve as many 100% scores as we can in Accelerated Reader whilst also exploring books such as Fantastic Mr Fox, Esio Trot and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
We also remember that we have a very important event in our lives coming up after Easter-Our First Holy Communion.
We thank you all for your continued support and hard work.
The Primary 4 team.