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The St Aloysius P.S. PTFA is a group of volunteer parents and teachers who work together to make their school a better environment for children to learn.

St Aloysius PTFA committee (2023/24) consist of:

  • Co-chairperson: Paul Wolfe
  • Co-chairperson: Roisin Monaghan
  • Treasurer: Alex Cunningham
  • Secretary: Chantal McCrea
  • Teacher Rep: Mrs K Freeman

The aim of the PTFA is to promote a partnership between the school, its pupils and all our parents or carers. Our objectives are:

  • to develop and engage in activities which support the education, development and welfare of pupils.
  • to enable parents or carers to share ideas, interests and skills for the benefit of the children and the school as a whole.
  • to provide the school and children with extras that the school budget would not allow for.
  • to raise vital funds for the school.

Showing an interest in PTFA does not mean that you will be enlisted for life! As families, we all live busy and hectic lives, and you can give as much or as little of your time as you like. It is a great way to make new friends, meet new families and feel a sense of belonging to the school community, as well as having the opportunity to be more involved with your child's experience at St Aloysius Primary School.

How to get on board:

  • Share an idea…

400 + eyes and ears are better than a mere handful. Is there something you are aware of when it comes to money saving, grants or fundraising? Maybe you have picked up something in a newsfeed that would be worth looking into. Maybe the organisation you work for runs special schemes for schools. Did you attend a successful fundraiser elsewhere that you think would work in our school’s setting? If so please get in touch via our Facebook page or come along to the next PTFA meeting to share.

  • Donate your time…

During the academic year, there will be a number events taking place for which volunteers are needed to help facilitate. There is always a scramble to get enough people for discos, hot chocolate making, etc.! The PTFA would like to put together a working list of people to approach during these times. If you can’t make it to all events due to work/family commitments, that is totally fine (and understandable) and as Tesco says ‘every little helps’!.

What have PTFA funds been used for in previous years?

We normally have a ‘big project’ that we are fundraising for, the trim trail (wooden playground) in the playground was purchased a number of years ago (and is used by all year groups on a daily basis – money well spent). This year we recently got the courtyard outside P1 area cleared, flatten and 2 massive tree stumps removed. This was a significant expense and one which we had been working towards for a number of years.

Smaller items that we have funded: rain suits for each child in the nursery, pizza lunch for after communion treat, a repair to playground that the Education Authority wouldn’t cover, a fully stocked library for all children to avail of, selection boxes at Christmas, ice-cream as a welcome back to school after covid and at the beginning of this year we welcomed all children back with a free hot meal at lunch time.

If you feel that you could help our school community in any way please get in contact, we would love to have you on board, nothing is considered too little.